The best way to do this is to split the fireteam into three groups of two members each and have each group activate and protect one plate. Bungie has said that the atheon challenge is the hardest it has ever created and that is no lie. A single player, acting alone and without outside assistance, has managed to defeat atheon from. Bungie makes destinys final vault of glass boss even.
Bungie outlines upcoming changes to destinys vault of. Destinys latest patch resolves vault of glass raid boss exploit no more knocking atheon off his platform. Atheons epilogue atheons story is still being written. This is another item you must shatter to collect the data within. Bungie outlines upcoming changes to destinys vault of glass.
Oct 18, 2014 in the latest weekly update for destiny, bungie touched upon upcoming changes to the final battle with atheon in the vault of glass raid. Depending on the skills of your team is how fast you will be able to complete it. The teleported players will need to let the other three know where they went so the ones outside can activate that portal. Destiny one atheon challenge mode available the wolves. This phase doesnt take long, about 30 seconds with 2 rusers and the relicsenemiesconfluxes should despawn and atheon spawns. Hey guys we ran the raid on normal last night ps4 and experienced multiple issues during the atheon fight, and also. Many gamers feel no shame in exploiting these glitches, since destinys loot system is completely random and the. Destiny vault of glass the raid where the gear actually drops by professor broman.
Get the titan to bubble so you all have the buff and you can kill him in 2 teleports, not a glitch but 100% the most. The bottom half of each magazine causes additional damage. The next round of fixes for destiny will address both atheon, the final boss in the vault of glass raid, and the mythoclast, the exotic weapon he. Oct 17, 2014 in a recent update posted to, the developers discuss fixes coming to the vault of glass raid, the why behind the recent changes to autorifles, and changes in store for the vex mythoclast. As with the templars chamber, lets just take a minute to get a sense of the. Jun 02, 2018 hi everyone this video shows you how to solo the first part of the vault of glass raid mission.
Many gamers feel no shame in exploiting these glitches, since destinys loot system is completely random and the weakest player often receives. Destiny vault of glass glitch atheon solo sunsinger tutorial after patch self. On to the refreshed raids both vault of glass and crotas end will get a challenge mode, with the formers atheon challenge described by bungie as one of the. Only a legend such as you would be up to the challenge. Nov 06, 2014 exploiting glitches for loot has been a popular pastime for many destiny players since the games release. Leave a message in the order notes section after the additional information tab at checkout with your account info and a time frame that a guardian can logon. Destiny vault of glass glitch atheon solo sunsinger tutorial. Destiny player single handedly defeats atheon in the vault of. Oct 17, 2014 after all, they did just remove an easy way to kill another vault boss in the last patch. Atheon, times conflux boss fight in the vault of glass for this fight split the team into 2 groups, one that deals with atheon and opens portals and the other team gets teleported.
Youre rewarded with items after each section sometimes weapons or raid armor, but mostly ascendant materials but there are also chests to be had, if you can find them. While bungie has had time to patch a lot of the bugs in the vault, several remain. Age of triumph everything thats changed in vault of glass. Oct 28, 2014 how to kill atheon in under 3 minuets in the vault of glass destiny. Successfully completing each vault of glass challenge will reward players with one of the new exotic versions of fatebringer, atheons epilogue, praedyths timepiece, and vision of confluence. Rise of iron players can tackle vault of glass this week as they strive to fill out. A single player, acting alone and without outside assistance, has managed to defeat atheon from the vault of glass on their own. Destiny player single handedly defeats atheon in the vault.
In a recent update posted to, the developers discuss fixes coming to the vault of glass raid, the why behind the recent changes to autorifles, and changes in store for the vex mythoclast. This walkthrough for the last and final boss of the vault of glass in destiny shows how to defeat atheon on normal difficulty in a 6 person. Bungie previously announced its intention to fix what it referred to as a bug with the atheon battle at the end of the vault of glass, the sole raid currently available in. Find out how to tackle the latest destiny challenge in the vault of glass raid. A guide to destiny raid, the vault of glass ive played a lot of destiny. About 20 seconds after atheon, times conflux has arrived and been activated, it will send 3 random guardians through a time portal. Since the recent patch, i have not yet raided but have been hearing that there are significantly less problems with the vault of glass raid.
Fixed an issue where atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the vault of glass. Bungie reveals their plans for next weeks destiny hot fix, which includes a. Vault of glass hard raid ishtar sink, venus templar gameplay walkthrough solo after patch before the patch the. The best way to do this is to split the fireteam into three groups of two members each and have each group activate and.
After a minute or so, atheon will teleport three players at random to either the mars or venus location. Vault of glass hard raid gameplay templar killed solo. To start this process, the player should kill all enemies in sight, including a gatekeeper, a vex hydra which lacks a shield, but compensates with its ability to teleport. Collect eye of atheon is a step in the quest not forged in light in destiny. Destiny vault of glass atheon challenge complete guide. Heres our top 5 bugs in destinys vault of glass raid and yes, all of these take place during the atheon fight. Following on from the crotas end age of triumph challenge mode update last week, destinys first ever raid vault of glass is a nostalgic trip now. No enemies will spawn and because of your being in the area for a moment, the spire will still form. Destinys latest patch resolves vault of glass raid boss. Ikora rey described as the vex underworld by the ishtar collective, the vault is a timeless realm used by the vex on venus as a testing ground to manipulate reality through the use of ontological warfare, as opposed to their realistic simulations. Last week i got on the phone with bungies luke smith, lead designer on destinys vault of glass raid. Call me bubble destiny hard raid vault of glass level 30 after patch update no atheon knock off glitch exploit gameplay walkthrough. Initially this final battle is the toughest in the raid, requiring the most intense. In the latest weekly update for destiny, bungie touched upon upcoming changes to the final battle with atheon in the vault of glass raid.
New destiny patch addresses atheon exploit in raid. We had a cool chat, and i included a bunch of quotes in. Vault of glass solo glitch beat atheon in 20 seconds after patch solo vault of glass glitch vault of glass solo glitch, this will. After two years of planning, destiny players finally reach. Playstation 4 and xbox one gamers seeking to find out what bungie has tweaked and what challenges have been added will want to read the guide below. Some are on your way to the next objective, but some are hidden. The portal bug sometimes when a player goes through a portal its fine, but. Everyone that doesnt have a relic protect the middletop stair, where atheon comes from after spawning.
To your right there is a good block to hide behind while atheon approaches you. Atheon, times conflux atheon is the final boss of the raid. Vault of glass is a raid located in ishtar sink, venus. The most popular and controversial exploits have arguably been the now dormant loot cave and cheesing atheon off the cliff in vault of glass. Bungie reveals their plans for next weeks destiny hot fix, which includes a pretty significant change to the atheon boss fight. Apr 18, 2017 the atheon boss is the final part of the vault of glass, following gatekeepers and relics. Soon after atheon spawns three guardians those that are furthest away from atheon are teleported to a separate area with a relic in it. Nov 08, 2014 just past the vault of glass entrance there is a dead portal in the distance and there is a set of disappearing platforms leading to it.
Vault of glass atheon challenge destiny age of triumph. This weapon deals bonus damage to oracles in the vault of glass. You must simultaneously activate and maintain three sync plates at three different locations in the entrance hall, in order to build a conflux. Atheon, times conflux boss fight in the vault of glass. What you want to do is throw the solar grenade between his legs and run around behind him. Destiny vault of glass guide atheon final boss youtube. The patch has also randomised atheons teleportation targets during times vengeance, which makes strategising for the endgame significantly harder. Until now, atheon periodically teleported the three. It is split up into 2 parts and requires multitasking, focus, and awareness. Bungie makes destinys final vault of glass boss even harder. Waking ruins, raise the spire, the trial of kabr, templars well, kill the templar, the gorgons labyrinth, vault of glass, awaken the glass throne, destroy atheon, ending. Vault of glass boss gets a bug fix in destinys next patch. Wellgeared and experienced players should have an easier time with raid encounters but the developers may.
More updates are to follow as we continue to support destiny. The relic can be a little squirrely, sometimes vanishing from sight or becoming impossible to. Destiny players finally reach atheons throne room in the vault of glass. Atheon s encounter is the most difficult in the vault of glass.
Exploiting glitches for loot has been a popular pastime for many destiny players since the games release. It is a giant vex axis mind and its weak point is the stomach. Destiny vault of glass atheon challenge will provide you with a complete guide on how to defeat him and acquire the corresponding loot that comes with the challenge. Destiny how to solo the vault of glass guide part 1 video. Our best guess for its arrival would be the games following tuesday. New destiny patch addresses atheon exploit in raid ign. Shortly after the release of the atheons revenge patch, claims of new cheese methods for dispatching the raid boss began to surface, some claiming that atheon can still be forced. Nov 06, 2014 the patch has also randomised atheons teleportation targets during times vengeance, which makes strategising for the endgame significantly harder. Upcoming destiny update will include bug fixes for atheon. When you defeat atheon, he will drop eye of atheon. Vault of glass solo glitch beat atheon in 20 seconds after patch solo vault of glass glitch vault of glass solo glitch, this will show you how to beat atheon on the vault of glass in.
Oh boy, strap yourselves in guardians because this is arguably the toughest challenge that bungie has given to date. Destiny how to solo the vault of glass guide part 1. Apr 04, 2017 vault of glass atheon challenge destiny age of triumph. Also, destiny will see some changes made to the vault of glass raid. Defeat atheon, times conflux is an objective in the raid vault of glass in destiny walkthrough. Atheon is the last boss in vault of glass and you will need a good team to complete the challenge. From now on, the final boss known as atheon will now longer fall from his ledge near his spawn point and players teleported by.
Destinys final event will refresh all of the games raids. Whatever oddity makes these appear, is unknown, but since the templar is a trigger for the 5th chest, it is reasonable to think there is a trigger for these too. Next update brings big change to vault of glass raid. Atheon, times conflux destinypedia, the destiny wiki. Destiny atheon after patch kill under 3mins youtube. A guide to destiny raid, the vault of glass blogger. The next destiny hotfix makes changes to mythoclast, atheon. You will receive loot and a checkpoint after the shields disappear. Destiny vault space and raid bugs targeted for next patch. In order to start killing atheon, it must first be lured out by awakening the glass throne. Run back to the sync plates and get ready for atheon. After the spire has formed, a beam of light will shoot from it, opening the vault of glass. We had a cool chat, and i included a bunch of quotes in the feature we just ran on the main site. Oct 18, 2014 the next round of fixes for destiny will address both atheon, the final boss in the vault of glass raid, and the mythoclast, the exotic weapon he drops, bungie reported in its latest weekly update.
Oct 28, 2014 destinys latest patch resolves vault of glass raid boss exploit no more knocking atheon off his platform. Initially this final battle is the toughest in the. The primary weapons earned are adept edition that comes with an elemental burn like they did in year one. After all, they did just remove an easy way to kill another vault boss in the last patch. After atheon patch walkthrough destroying atheon 37.
Before you can summon atheon, the final boss in vault of glass, youll need to take down two gate lords. Oct 28, 2014 destiny patch prevents atheon cheese, adds pumpkin head consumable. According to the patch notes, this update also changes the way the boss battle proceeds. Fixed an exploit where atheon could be forced off his platform. Destinythegame submitted 4 years ago by terrymalone the old method is patched but this is pretty much the same technique but in a different spot. The atheon boss is the final part of the vault of glass, following gatekeepers and relics. The conflux opens the entrance to the vault of glass after it has been channeled long. Jan 02, 2015 after entering the vault and making our way inside, i realized just how much loot there is to be had. Orders that do not meet the above requirements will take longer to fulfill. After the first chest and some light platform jumping, the fireteam will come to a ledge. Destiny vault of glass final boss defeated in 17 seconds. Just past the vault of glass entrance there is a dead portal in the distance and there is a set of disappearing platforms leading to it. Vault of glass solo glitch beat atheon in 20 seconds after.
Oct 28, 2014 new destiny patch addresses atheon exploit in raid. The first encounter in the vault of glass is a rather simple fight with only a single phase and one real mechanic. Destiny patch prevents atheon cheese, adds pumpkin head. Between the templar and atheon, you need to navigate a stealth section and a jumping puzzle. This weapon grows more accurate the longer it is fired. Atheon vault of glass age of triumph wallpaper destiny. Destiny vault of glass glitch atheon solo sunsinger. There are three sync plates that must be activated and protected simultaneously. The light 390 difficulty became available on april 4, 2017. Oct 28, 2014 bungie previously announced its intention to fix what it referred to as a bug with the atheon battle at the end of the vault of glass, the sole raid currently available in destiny. Just watch for the message saying that atheon has opened the time stream. Destiny patch prevents atheon cheese, adds pumpkin head consumable.
The latest patch for destiny has been released, and it deals primarily with resolving nagging stability issues and ensuring you face the vault of glass raids boss in the way bungie intended. Here, it is outside of the zone and the quickest way. Full raid level 30 gameplay walkthrough after this weeks atheon patch. Apr 05, 2017 vault of glass has now made an appearance in the destiny. How to beat the atheon challenge in vault of glass raid. How to kill atheon in under 3 minuets in the vault of glass destiny.
Nov 03, 2014 heres our top 5 bugs in destinys vault of glass raid and yes, all of these take place during the atheon fight. After the second shield is brought out of the gate, you will need to destroy the mobs that spawn until the shields disappear. Hi everyone this video shows you how to solo the first part of the vault of glass raid mission. Oh boy, strap yourselves in guardians because this is arguably the toughest challenge that. Bungie has finally addressed the increasingly popular method of pushing the final boss of the vault of glass raid, atheon, off of the map for an easier victory in their most recent weekly update. Apr 18, 2017 destiny vault of glass walkthrough and guide.
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